Painting Class
In my 1st post I wrote about teaching an art class about Fusionart for 2nd graders at our local elementary school. It was one of my most enjoyable and memorable experiences last year. It reinforced for me how much I enjoy teaching, and it was so gratifying to see how eagerly the children responded to the opportunity to express their creative energy. I believe that it is very important for everyone, and particularly children, to remain in touch with their innate creativity. We are all born with it, but unfortunately it becomes buried in many of us because it is never encouraged to come and play. We need to exercise our creativity regularly just as we do our bodies and our minds in order to be healthy, whole human beings. Of course there are an infinite number of way to be creative; painting just happens to be one of my favorites.
As I thought about this, I knew that I wanted to give painting lessons as another way to explore my creativity and give to others in 2008. I am calling the classes "Painting from the Core", and they will incorporate the gestalt of Fusionart. They will be 3 hours long once a week for 5 weeks, and they will be small (maximum of 5 students) because I want the students to have plenty of personal attention and support if they wish. I will offer a class for children and a class for adults. The first children's class will begin at 8AM Saturday, February 16th. The setting will be humble; I have a large garage. It doesn't matter whether or not the students have painted before. They only need an open mind, an open heart, and the desire to create. Below is the flyer I have distributed in our neighborhood. If you, or someone you happen to know, would be interested, contact me ( for more information.

Alternate Web Address
I have heard from people recently that is too long and difficult to type in. So, in case you haven't bookmarked the site, or if you are on a different computer, I have come up with an alternate web address that is much shorter: When you type this address into your browser, you will be directed automatically to my web site( just as if you had typed in the longer address. I hope this makes it easier and more convenient to find me in cyberspace.
"Passage" Sold
I am happy to report that another of my paintings, "Passage", was sold this week to a fellow artist and collector of Fusionart. He loves the painting, and he believes that works by the original group of Fusionartists, such as myself, will become quite valuable. I hope he is right!

Well, that's my latest news. Keep your comments coming. I love hearing from you.
Creatively yours,
Your website looks great! I wish you all success in your work.
Suzanne Jones
Seattle, WA
Beautiful...I love it!!!
Jane Ferda
Los Angeles, CA
Congratulations on the new Web site! Looks like you put a lot of work into it. I love looking at your paintings.
Redondo Beach
I enjoyed your web site! Really Beautiful work!
Kriste Messal
Los Angeles, CA
I love your paintings and would love to see them directly - I particularly love Fire of Love. What a gorgeous and dynamic display!
Corte Madera, CA
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