Friday, March 25, 2011

Sun Lakes Art Show

Last Saturday, March 19th, I was invited to exhibit at the Sun Lakes Art League. This was a wonderful opportunity to introduce fusionart, which was quite a contrast to the traditional works which dominated the art show. Most had never heard of fusionart and were very curious to know what fusionart is. Putting it as simply as I could, I told them that fusionart is the language of the heart. It has no preconceived rules or limitations. Instead, it arises naturally from the infinite creativity and imagination of our spirit when it is allowed to express itself. The heart and its creativity are what needs to be restored to our culture and all aspects of our lives. A number of attendees were able to connect with the feeling of the paintings. A group of Japanese visitors stood in front of the paintings for some time, discussing the paintings with animation. They were clearly fascinated with the fusionart approach. The owner of a local gallery was very drawn to one of my paintings, Earth and Sky, and asked if I would like to exhibit there. Another gentleman, who was moved by the freedom and inner vision expressed in the work, took the photo aboved.